30 Synonyms

30 Synonyms Table

1) afraid – scared

2) angry – mad

3) child – kid

4) cold – chilly

5) difficult – hard

6) garbage – trash

7) gift – present

8) happy – glad

9) house – home

10) large – big

11) leap – jump

12) loud – noisy

13) pull – tug

14) push – shove

15) quick – fast

16) rug – carpet

17) sick – ill

18) silent – quiet

19) simple – easy

20) smart – clever

21) sniff – smell

22) spooky – scary

23) sprint – run

24) stone – rock

25) street – road

26) talk – speak

27) tiny – small

28) tired – sleepy

29) toss – throw

30) yell – shout

WereVerse Universe Baby!

56 responses to “30 Synonyms

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  19. This was really helpful, thanks.

  20. Please you give antonyms

  21. Where is an antonym and thanks 👍 for synonyms

  22. Please help me with my home work.
    My home work it says write 100 synonyms and make a sentence for each synonym.🙏

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