Contact Me Here

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WereVerse Universe Baby!


27 responses to “Contact Me Here

  1. Write me! Give me the story about what’s going on!


  2. Everything is going fine. Check out the following links for tons of information:

  3. Hugh,

    Not links, sort of to use you. 😉

    My name is Roger Wellor and I’m doing a study of the successes and failures of Korean International Tourism Marketing. I have a brief survey online that I invite you to take. It is designed to be answered by Korean/US bloggers and to give a slight outline of how these cross-cultural thinkers evaluate Korea’s International Marketing.

    Your email will not be used for anything other than this survey (in fact it is not a required field in the survey) and if you have any questions, I can be contacted here at

    Here is the link:

    thank you,


  4. Hi. My name is Back Eun Sil and I am a student of Sookmyung Women University. First of all I appreciate your consideration for Korea. I would like to introduce Korean culture more, so would like to I send you an e-mail about that. My e-mail address is
    I will wait your e-mail. Thank you very much. 🙂

  5. I love you very much my dear teacher!~
    you tech me really knowledge, I would like study more skills from you.
    keep smile
    keep teaching style~

  6. Hi
    Unfortunately I lost your email, but finally I find your interesting blog. Hope this time, hot & hotter weather here do not decrease your happiness. 🙂

  7. Hi you can call me juv and I’m a serious fan of anything related to fiction and superpowers. Somehow I stumbled to this blog of your as I was surfing the net for new inspirations for creating new superpowers. Well I really haven’t finished reading any of the materials here but it does tickle my the taste buds of my mind (I really liked the one about the Dark Psi Lords). Anyway I just wanted to tell you that.

  8. Dear Hugh Fox,

    I’m the editor of a literary journal called Constellations about to publish our debut issue. This issue contains four poems by Hugh B. Fox, and my deepest condolences on his passing. We communicated via email, and he was kind and supportive of the venture despite his medical issues. We send contributors two copies of the journal, but don’t know where to send at this juncture. Please advise what’s best.


    Nina Rubinstein Alonso, editor, Constellations

    • The journals should be sent to:

      Maria-Costa Fox
      333 Oxford Road
      East. Lansing
      MI 48823.

      Maria (nickname Bernadette) was my father’s wife at the time of his death and she will be very happy to receive the journals. I didn’t have any luck with the email address you sent me so I am using a posting here to respond.

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  10. Hi Hugh,
    I found you through Pinterest. Lot’s of fun and interesting things here. I bookmarked it for when I have more time to spend to look at all you have.
    No spam, nothing to sell.
    Take care,
    Susan Walsh

  11. I am in Nairobi Kenya, I like your website


  12. Wow, I am truly inspired by your experiences and travels. I have been reading your blogs for some time now and your life journey astounds me. My passion is to travel and explore new cultures while appreciating what I have been blessed with. If I get the opportunity to see as many countries as you have, I would indeed count myself lucky and have accomplished my goal.

    Kindly assist me with my following endeavour.

    I am a South African national and my intention is to teach English in Asia for 6 months. I have a Bachelors Degree in Quantity Surveying from an accredited University but with no TEFL Qualifications. My native language is English.

    I have narrowed down the potential countries for teaching English to Thailand, Hong Kong or South Korea. Please can you offer some advice relating to which country would be the best option in relation to the following:

    a) Coastal cities to teach English with beautiful scenery as I would like to take a morning run alongside the beach before my class begins.

    b) Affordable cost of living compared to salary earned. My objective is to save some cash each month (about 500 USD), for 6 months, so that I can go for vacation to a few Asian countries upon completion of my 6 month contract.

    c) Friendly, vibrant people with good attitudes and healthy food. I have been on vacation to Thailand in 2010 and absolutely loved the reception from the Thai people, hence choosing Thailand as one of the potential destinations.

    Mr Fox, I really value your advice and would really appreciate some feedback.

    My email address is
    I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Best Regards


  13. Hi, my name is is Ed and I’m a website designer. I’m contacting you to find out if there are alterations or improvements that you want to make on your website.

    Do you find yourself thinking about modernizing your site into a more modern day appearance or including some features into the website that improve a number of your business procedures? If that’s the case I’d love to speak with you.

    Is there a time that we could speak within the next couple of days that will work for you? I can provide you with some suggestions of various things which I’ve used that have made a huge influence on my customers sales. I’d really like to be able to help you.

    Thank you,

    Ed Frez – Application X-Treme

    In case you have received this email by accident or if perhaps you no longer want to get them just respond back with the word “remove” within the subject line and we will remove you out of our database.

  14. My name is Cory, Im a seasoned website design expert and I specialize in formulating strategic concepts to generate more sales. I go beyond just designing websites. I make websites stand out.

    I was checking your company website and I noticed that while its stunning, it looked like it can still use some improvement in capturing visitors that have slipped through the cracks.

    I am currently offering a FREE CONSULTATION where I can tell you more about this and help you see the true potential of your site.

    Whats more, you can set the appointment date at your convenience, just let me know when you are available to speak this week and I will be happy to provide you with some advise that will help your site.

    Looking forward to speaking with you real soon.


    Cory Goolesbay

    If you received this email by mistake, please reply with the word remove in the subject lin.

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