004 Spanish Articles and Demonstratives

Masc. Singular
the el (ail)
a, an un (oon)
this este
that ese
that aquel
Fem. Singular
la (lah) the
una (oon-ah) some
esta these
esa those
aquella those
Masc. Plural
the los (lohs)
some unos (oon-ohs)
these estos
those esos
those aquellos
Fem. Plural
los (lohs) las (lahs)
unos (oon-ohs) unas (oon-ahs)
estos estas
esos esas
aquellos aquellas

Note: El is also used with feminine nouns beginning with a or ha when the accent is on the first syllable. Use the ese forms to mean that when what you are talking about is near the person you are addressing. Use the aquel forms when what you are talking about is far from both you and the person you are addressing. Esto and eso are the neuter forms of this and that. They can be used in general and abstract ways.



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