Like Water for Chocolate – Literary Elements

In a forgotten Mexico Tita and Pedro fall in love, but are forbidden to marry. Mama Elena sees Tita’s role as her caretaker for life – no youngest daughter has ever married and her daughter will not be the first to break tradition. Tita’s heart breaks when her mother instead offers to Pedro her other daughter, and he accepts. Now they live in the same house, and Mama Elena cannot forbid their love as she did their marriage.

1) What is the point of view of the movie?

2) What is the plot of the movie?

0Like Water for Chocalate Thumbnails


3) Describe the following characters using the Fox Character Analysis Pyramid which includes name/title, physical appearance, personality, character’s role, character’s problems/challenges, major accomplishments, cultural context, and world view.

Lumi Cavazos as Tita

1Josefita (Tita) De La Garza

Marco Leonardi as Pedro Muzquiz2Pedro Muzquiz

Regina Torné as Mamá Elena3Elena de la Garza (Mama Elena)

4) What is the theme of the movie?

5) What is the setting of the movie?  How important is the setting?

6) What is the genre of the movie?

7) Does the movie have any cultural lessons?

8) What are the literary conflicts of the movie?

Magical Realism Definition

magical realism

Magic Realism

Worksheet at Scribd:

Wikipedia Entry

WereVerse Universe Baby!

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