Apsara’s Kitchen

Apsara’s Kitchen can be found in Psar Chaa – Old Market in Siem Reap Cambodia across the street from Khmer Kitchen. The prices are lower than Khmer Kitchetn. The food is better than Khmer Kitchen. The three sisters are the most beautiful gals in Asia and Asia has more beautiful gals than the West. Not English friendly but just point to what you want and use your fingers to figure out the bill. Two bucks, eight thousand riel, gets you more food than I can eat and I can eat a lot. I go there for the food but let’s face it seeing the three beautiful sisters motivates me to go to Apsara’s Kitchen. I swear the sisters have Apsara blood as do most of the Siem Reap gals. The level of feminine beauty in Siem Reap is unreal but they are all good girls and have a husband or boyfriend so no time for Sir Kitsune, me. I don’t see how guys get any work done with all these beautiful gals packed into a small city. Well is you want to see eye candy then Psar Chaa – Old Market is the place to go.

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