Design an Alien

Do you think alien life exists?

The Drake Equation


N = R* x fp x ne x fl x fi x fc x fL

N – how many planets of aliens there areR* – the rate of star formation in our galaxy (Stars per year)

fp – the fraction of stars that have planets around them

ne – the fraction of stars with planets that are capable of sustaining life

fl – the fraction of planets in ne where life evolves

fi – the fraction of fl where intelligent life evolves

fc – the fraction of fi that try to communicate with other planets

fL – the expected lifetime of such a civilization in years


Student ID:

Class ID:

1) Is your planet Terran or Jovian?

2) What is the name of your planet?

3) Does the name of your planet have any special meaning?

4) What is the gravity of your planet compared to Earth?

5) What is the size of your planet compared to Earth?

6) What is the climate of your planet compared to Earth?

7) Is your planet generally solid, liquid or gaseous?

8) What is the temperature range of your planet?

9) Does your planet have any special and/or interesting features?

10) How do you communicate?

11) How is your species compared to humans?

12) What sort of brain do you have?

13) Do you have an endoskeleton or exoskeleton?

14) What senses do you have?

15) Do you have any special powers?

16) What do you consume for nourishment?

17) What Earth life form does your alien resemble if any?

18) Are you a predator or prey?

19) What sort of technology, if any, does your culture have?

20) What sort of housing do you have?

21) What sort of transportation do you have?

22) What sort of music, if any, do you have?

23) What sort of art, if any, do you have?

24) What sort of government, if any, does your culture have?

25) Do you have one world government or nations?

26) Do you belong to any sort of coalition of aliens?

27) What sort of work did you do on your planet?

28) What are your intentions, if any, towards Earth?

Describe and pick one of the masks below to represent the face of your alien.  If time allows then the mask will be made in class.

001alienmaskicon 001butterflymaskicon 001maskicon 002alienmaskicon 002butterflymaskicon 002maskicon 003alienmaskicon 003butterflymaskicon 003maskicon 004alienmaskicon 004butterflymaskicon 004maskicon 005butterflymaskicon 005maskicon 006butterflymaskicon 006maskicon 007maskicon 008maskicon 009maskicon 010maskicon 011maskicon 013maskicon 014maskicon 015maskicon 016maskicon 017maskicon 018maskicon 019maskicon 020maskicon 021maskicon 022maskicon 030maskicon 031maskicon 032maskicon 033maskicon 035maskicon 036maskicon 038maskicon 078maskicon 079maskicon 080maskicon 135maskicon 136maskicon 137maskicon 138maskicon 139maskicon 140maskicon Chineseoperamask_blank_thumb Chineseoperamask_ready2color_thumb

(Front) Print out heads (on 11X17 paper), cut them out and wear as masks! AMERICAN DAD: FOX-O-WEEN Roger mask. AMERICAN DAD ™ and © 2008 TTCFFC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

(Front) Print out heads (on 11X17 paper), cut them out and wear as masks!

halloween-masks-alien-115x150 halloween-masks-aliens-115x150 halloween-masks-creepy-115x150 halloween-masks-frankenstei-115x150 halloween-masks-gizmo-115x150 halloween-masks-lizard-man-115x150 halloween-masks-monster-115x150 halloween-masks-ogre-115x150 halloween-masks-skeleton-115x150 halloween-masks-vampire-115x150 mask001icon mask002icon mask003icon mask004icon mask005icon mask006icon maskbeardicon roger-75x123

WereVerse Universe Baby!

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